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Walk The Talk Webinar

Walk The Talk Webinar

Coaching & Counseling Like A Pro! 

Join HR expert, Carol Westberry for Walk the Talk.  You’ll learn her HR secrets that will take the fear and uncertainty out of coaching and counseling and that will have you hitting a home run each and every time.

Carol will tell you her HR secrets that will make your coaching and counseling conversations stress-free, comfortable, and effective.

You’ll learn:

  • How to get your message across in a way that fosters understanding and compliance.
  • When to step in and say the right things to get and keep your employees motivated.
  • How to painlessly keep your coaching and counseling conversations on the right track.

The complimentary webinar is a replay and is only available for viewing on June 21, 2017. The replay will be open for viewing from 9AM - 8PM so you can view it at a time that is convenient for you.

When you attend, you will receive our 7-Tips for High-Performance Leadership as well as a special discounted rate on the Coaching & Counseling Toolkit!