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Handbook Policy Writing


Handbook Policy Writing


Handbook Policy Writing

from $97.00

Learn First-hand from the HR Design Master: 

EVENT DATE:  Wednesday, Feb. 22nd – 2:00 PM till 3:15 PM EST

Templates for handbooks and policies are easy to find and are clean slates that can be adapted to your industry, size, location and corporate culture BUT they are not tailored for any your specific company.

If you’ve always wanted to learn about policy design we invite you to join our live event!

Types of Sessions:
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Mastering the Art of Creative Policy Writing

During this jam-packed 75 minutes you'll learn practical, easy-to-understand tips for creating and tailoring policies to suit your specific needs, budget, and culture.

We invite you to spend time with our nationally recognized consultant, author, educator and HR Expert Carol Westberry, SPHR, SHRM-SCP.  She’ll take you on an incredible policy writing adventure where you’ll learn:

  • The specific policy questions to ask BEFORE you start writing and how to determine the correct answers for your handbook policy.
  • How to avoid "the accidental contract" and knowing which words work and where to use them.
  • She’ll walk you through the process of thinking like a “con” and how plug the escape routes
  • And you’ll go step by step through the consolidation of stand-alone leave policies to create the perfect all-inclusive Paid Time Off (PTO) policy that your employees will love without breaking your budget.

Because this is an interactive event, Carol will also be answering your handbook-related policy questions right on the call!

Seats are limited - So REGISTER NOW!

Choose which session works best for you:

$97 Live 75 minute Webinar and Workbook

$97 Link to the Webinar Recording and Workbook

$197 Live 75 minute Webinar, Workbook, and Link to the Webinar Recording

Remember:  A handbook is only as good as the language in it.  Don’t miss this one-time opportunity!

EVENT DATE:  Wednesday, Feb. 22nd – 2:00 PM till 3:15 PM EST