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During this fast-moving, 15 minute webinar we’ll take you through what’s new and what’s hot on the new Form I9 and you’ll learn how to quickly identify the most current form. 

You, Me & Form I9...makes us crazy!

Once again the Department of Homeland Security’s USCIS agency has updated the Form I9.

As of Jan 22, 2017, all US employers are required to use it…or else!

During this fast-moving, 15 minute webinar we’ll take you through what’s new and what’s hot on the new Form I9 and you’ll learn how to quickly identify the most current form.  You’ll also be introduced to all the new features on the interactive PDF Form I9 that are designed to help you keep your sanity.

This webinar is a short primer about Form I9 that is designed to help that new manager or seasoned professional how to complete the form without running afoul of the government’s ICE auditors.